Sunday, March 23, 2014

Scientific Experiments Prove Thoughts & Intentions Can Alter Physical Reality.

Scientific Experiments Prove Thoughts & Intentions Can Alter Physical Reality.

i love you_i hate you

One of the greatest researchers and alternative healers of our times, Dr. Masaru Emoto, has provided the world with a great deal of scientific evidence demonstrating the magic of positive thinking.
Dr. Emoto’s molecule experiments were featured in the 2004 film What The Bleep Do We Know?, which gave him international fame. The result findings of his experiments show that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality. For example, one of his impressing findings is that our thoughts and intentions can have an impact on the molecular structure of water.
Now, given that the human organism is mostly comprised of water, this discovery has tremendous implications. Really, can anyone who is familiar with these studies afford to have negative thoughts or intentions?

Another of Dr. Emoto’s famous experiments that demonstrates the power of positive and negative thinking is the so-called “rice experiment”. To conduct this, Dr. Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into two containers. On one container he wrote “thank you” and on the other “you fool”. Afterwards, he told a group of school children to say the labels on the jars out loud everyday when they passed them by. The surprising results were that after a period of 30 days, the rice in the container with positive thoughts had barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten. 

Masaru Emoto’s Water Crystal Experimental Design & Results

The hypothesis of the experiments was as follows: water “charged” with human intention can influence the structure of ice crystals formed from that water. This was pilot tested under double-blind conditions. That is, a group of approximately 2,000 people in Tokyo were instructed to focus solely on positive intentions toward water samples located inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California. Unaware to them, similar water samples were set aside in a different location as controls. An analyst then blindly identified and photographed the ice crystals formed from both sets of water samples. Then, 100 independent judges blindly assessed the resulting images .
Here is a photo of the effects direct states of conscious intention has on the structure of water, which clearly show that  intention may be able to influence the structure of water, something that has also been confirmed by a numerous of previous scientific experiments.
masaru emoto_water structure_experiment
The findings clearly show that consciousness has measurable effects on the geometric structure of water crystals. Now what can we learn from this about the nature of consciousness? Could it be that water is in essence comprised of the same underlying “stuff” that our thoughts are made of? Anyhow, there seems to be a good reason to offer good “vibes” to our food before we eat it!
If you wish to have a more extensive read on the subject, here’s a link to the pdf. file of the original study.
masaru_emoto_water crystals_experiment

147 Days of the Rice Experiment Documented – Last Day

Source: “Scientific Proof Thoughts & Intentions Can Alter The Physical World Around Us”,
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