UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Art History

The Historical Record of Planet Earth speaks of ongoing contact with
extraterrestrials as found in oral traditions, tablets, stone monuments,
petroglyphs, and art forms found throughout the planet. Many of these
images could also be
lenticular clouds.

Reptilian looking entities found in Iraq - 5,000-4,500 BC.

Sumerian Gods
Art Exhibit British Museum #52

Sumerian Gods - Scroll Through The Images

Figurines, Lizard-headed or Ubaid Style, clay, Ur (Ubaid culture), 5th
millenium BCE, h:13.6 cm From the Ubaid - Southern Mesopotamian Period,
5000 BCE - 4000 BCEFound in Ur. The Ubaid culture succeeded the Halaf
at the end of the 6th millenium BCE in southern Iraq, then spread
throughout Mesopotamia. Ubaid culture is known for painted pottery;
large houses of tripartite plan for extended families; and lizard-headed
figurines of both male and female gender. Figurines such as the above
examples are typical. The figure on the left holds a baby on her hip and
suckles it. The figure on the right has incised stretch marks on her
abdomen. It has been suggested that the brown-painted dots and lines
represent tatoos, and the clay pellets scarring. It is unknown if the
shape of the skulls represents actual head-binding.Similar Lizard-headed
figurines have been found at Eridu. Collon, Dominique. Ancient Near
Eastern Art. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995, pg 46.

7,000 B.C. - The Lolladoff plate, discovered in Nepal, appears to show a
hovering disk-shaped object in the center and a small being, resembling
an alien resembling an alien gray, beside it. The circular pattern is
reminiscent of the spiraling movement of consciousness -
Sacred Geometry of creation.
This cave painting is circa 10,000 BC and is from Val Camonica, Italy.
It appears to depict two beings in protective suits holding strange implements.
1465 - Cigar shaped UFO - flaming girder seen in the sky during the reign of Enrico IV
From Notabilia Temporum by Angelo de Tummulillis
Strange suited figure found in Kiev.
It dates to ca. 4,000 BC.

7000 year old petroglyph discovered in the province of Queretaro, Mexico in 1966.
There are 4 figures with outstretched arms below a large oval object radiating what appear to be beams of light.

Ancient Figures in Space Suits
United States - Native Americans

Petroglyphs dating back thousands of years ago by ancient Indians in the
American Southwest. According to Indian folklore, two objects collided
high in the sky and one crash-landed in the region of Death Valley. Some
men arrived (presumably in another ship) and spent some time repairing
the damaged craft and were observed by the local Indians. The two images
below may possibly depict the ship (left) used by the men who came to
repair the damaged craft. In comparing the two images, the one on the
right seems to depict structural damage around the edges and the bottom.
Could it be the one that allegedly crashed? The images are stills taken
from an old TV series entitled "In search of..." hosted by Leonard

Sego Canyon, Utah. Estimated up to 5,500 BC.

Tassili n'Ajjer, Sahara Desert, North Africa
Sahara rock art
is a significant area of archaeological study focusing on the precious
treasures carved or painted on the natural rocks found in the central
Sahara desert. There are over three thousand sites discovered that have
information about Saharan rock art. From the Tibesti massif to the
Ahaggar Mountains, the Sahara is an impressive open-air museum
containing numerous archaeological sites.
Tassili n'Ajjer
(meaning "Plateau of the Rivers") is noted for its prehistoric rock
art and other ancient archaeological sites, dating from Neolithic times
when the local climate was much moister, with savannah rather than
desert. The art depicts herds of cattle, large wild animals including
crocodiles, and human activities such as hunting and dancing. The art
has strong stylistic links to the pre-Nguni Art of South Africa and the
region, executed in caves by the San Peoples before the year 1200 BCE.
The range's exceptional density of rock art paintings-pictograms and
engravings-petroglyphs, and the presence of many prehistoric vestiges,
are remarkable testimonies to Neolithic prehistory. From 10,000 BCE to
the first centuries CE, successive peoples left many archaeological
remains, habitations, burial mounds and enclosures which have yielded
abundant lithic and ceramic material. However, it is the rock art
(engravings and paintings) that have made Tassili world famous as from
1933, the date of its discovery. 15,000 petroglyphs have been identified
to date.

Some of the painting have bizarre depictions of what appear to be
spacemen wearing suits, visors, and helmets. resembling modern day
astronauts. This takes us to the west African tribe - the
Dogon whose legends say they were guided to the area from another part of Africa that was drying up - by
fish gods called the Nommo who came in huge ships from the sky.
Google Images

Two cave paintings from Tanzania. Both are estimated to be up to 29,000
years old. The one on the left is located in Itolo and depicts several
disc shaped objects. The other painting is from Kolo shows four entities
surrounding a women. Notice also the entity looking down from inside
some sort of box or object.

A wood cut from 1479 Arabia shows the appearance of a rocket ship
complete with rivet and metal and pointed front with stars gleaming in
the background.
Wandjina petroglyphs from Kimberley, Australia.
About 5,000 years old and may represent alien beings.
Gods - Link Between Australia and Egypt

This is an old Chinese illustration from a fictional book entitled
"Illustrated Survey of Weird Countries" (c.1400 A.D.) and had the
following original caption: "Ji Gung Land: The people could make flying
cars that travelled far with a suitable wind. In Tarng's day (c.1700
B.C.), Ji Gung people flying a car on a westerley reached Yew Jo. Tarng
dismantled their car so it could not be demonstrated to the people ...
Later an east wind came on which he had them fly the car back to their
own country [5,000 km] west of our gateway."

This is an artistic reproduction of a relief found in a labyrinth on the
island Jotuo in the Toengt'ing lake. An expedition took place in 1957
(two years before an earthquake in that region). The expedition was led
by professor Tsj'i Pen-Lai. They found various reliefs showing "humans"
in strange clothes which looked like astronaut suits (hose like objects
attached to the clothes). They also found a painting which apparently
resembled the solar system. The third and fourth circle (planet) were
connected with a line. Also there were ten planets (excluding the sun as
planet). This connects easily to the theories about Nibiru, planet X,
Illustration depicting a sighting of a burning wheel in the year 900 over Japan.

This is a tapestry called
Summer's Triumph It was created in
Bruges in 1538 and presently resides at the Bayerisches National Museum.
You can clearly see several disc shaped objects in the top of the

A wood cut found in Nurnberg Germany in 1561 depicts a large dark
missile with a many others like it in the sky. Also depicted are globes,
cylindrical space ships, and the sun. Many believe it shows humans
witnessing a battle between aliens that was later recorded on the wood

Illustration depicts a sighting by two Dutch ships in the North Sea of
an object moving slowly in the sky. It appeared to be made by two disks
of different size. The source for this account is one of the books
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Admiral Blaeu. These books
were compilations of articles by different authors and consisted of
detailed accounts of long engagements at sea, cartography information,

In France there was a coin minted in 1680 that shows a hovering disc
shaped UFO with what appears to be port holes or lights around the outer
rim. Due to the fact that a coin was minted depicting this UFO.
15th Century

This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany
The objects were described as 'two glowing wheels' or UFOs
November 4, 1697
"Prodigiorum Liber"
Renaissance illustration of a UFO sighting in Rome detailed
in a book by Roman historian Julio Obsequens.
UFO'S in Religious Art
In this painting found on a wood drawer from furniture kept at the Earls
D'Oltremond, in Belgium, Moses is depicted receiving the tablets of the
Ten Commandments, with "flaming horns." Several equally flaming objects
are in the sky before him. The date and artist are unknown.
Jesus and UFOs in Religious Art
"The Baptism of Christ"
Were the Magi aliens?
A disk shaped object is shining beams of light down on John the Baptist
and Jesus - Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge, England - Painted in 1710 by
Flemish artist Aert De Gelder. It depicts a classic, hovering, silvery,
saucer shaped UFO shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and
Jesus. What could have inspired the artist to combine these two
17th century fresco of the crucifixion
Svetishoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia
Note the two saucer shaped craft on either side of Christ.
"La Tebaide"

Painted by Paolo Uccello - circa 1460-1465
The Crucifixion

Frescos throughout Europe reveal the appearance of space ships. This
1350 painting seems to depict a small human looking man looking over his
shoulder at another flying vehicle. His vehicle is decorated with two
twinkling stars, one reminiscent of national insignia on modern
aircraft. This painting hangs above the altar at the Visoki Decani
Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia.

"Glorification of the Eucharist" - painted by Bonaventura Salimbeni in 1600
Today it hangs in the church of San Lorenzo in San Pietro, Montalcino, Italy.
What does the 'Sputnik satellite-like device' represent?
Baptism of Jesus
Baptism of Christ by Rogier van der Weyden (12th Century)
Baptism of Christ by Ottavio Vannini c. 1640
Baptism of Christ byFra Angelico c. 1425
John the Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci
Mother Mary

A fourteenth century fresco of the Madonna and Child depict on the top
right side the image of a UFO hovering in the distance. A blow up of
this fresco reveals tremendous details about this UFO including port
holes. It seems to indicate a religious involvement between UFO's and
the appearance of the Christ Child.

This painting is called "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino".
It was painted in the 15th century by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494)
and hangs as part of the Loeser collection in the Palazzo Vecchio.
Above Mary's right shoulder is a disk shaped object. Below is a blow up of this
section and a man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the object.
"The Assumption of the Virgin"
Painted circa 1490 by an unknown artist.
Saucer shaped "clouds" intrigue modern ufologists. Could so many have
appeared in the sky at one time? Or, are the hat shaped UFOs depicted so
numerous here to -punctuate- certain events as being particularly holy?
The Life Of Mary - 14th Century Tapestries
'The Magnificent' - Notre-Dame in Beaune, Burgandy
The painting above was done by Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495) and is called
"The Annunciation with Saint Emidius" (1486) and hangs in the National
Gallery, London. A disk shaped object is shining a pencil beam of light
down into Mary's crown chakra. A blow up of the object is next to the

The picture above depicts Jesus and Mary and either UFOs or
lenticular clouds.
The painting is entitled "The Miracle of the Snow" and was painted by
Masolino Da Panicale (1383-1440) and hangs at the church of Santa Maria
Maggiore, Florence, Italy. The bible references flying objects that were
perhaps UFOs many go back to
Flood Stories.
Lenticular Clouds or UFOs?
Painting done in 1420

San Francesco Church in Arezzo, Italy
Tomb of Jesus - Fish or Ancient Spaceship?
Ancient Aircraft in History
Vimanas in Ancient India
Ancient Petroglyphs
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