The Woman Who Prevented WWIII
SIX YEARS AGO, an American woman serving in Bahrain single-handedly stopped the United States government from a criminal attack on Iran and a series of “false flag” terror attacks on American troops and ships in the region. American Neocons and the Israel lobby decided this was their last chance to start a war, one that would saddle the next president with a disaster of unprecedented proportions, fighting three wars during America’s Bush-driven economic collapse.
Gwenyth Todd in Iraq
The plans were in motion, plans that would have eventually collapsed the United States, plans also aimed at the destruction of Iran and the enslavement of her people. One person, known to few, played a key role in stopping this disaster.
This is Gwenyth Todd, former member of President Clinton’s National Security Council and top Middle East advisor. Stopping the Bush invasion would end her career and nearly cost her life.
Though a ranking Navy official in 2007, she was forced to flee Bahrain for her life, settling in Australia. Those who aided her were murdered, jailed, hunted.
Today Gwenyth is raising a family, taking care of wildlife and serving as an editor for Veterans Today. This is just part of a story that few know, of a desperate time and the heroic acts of one person who chose to make a difference.
In 2007, an American armada, troop ships, aircraft carriers, guided missile cruisers and destroyers sailed into the Persian Gulf. Their plan was to land Marines on Iranian soil, a plan hatched by Vice President Dick Cheney and White House officials including Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Clarke.
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