Wednesday, April 9, 2014

" Russia and China ", the double headed "Gold" eagle with " many eyes ", has had enough with the " sanctions "

" Russia and China ", the double headed  "Gold" eagle with " many eyes ", has had enough with the " sanctions " imposed by J.P. Morgan .
The " Bear " , the " Dragon " and the " Leopard " will walk together 
in the likeness of a " three -fold chord ".
The "Sanhendrin" will be left to ponder in a dire predicament
of unresolved geo-political ,military and financial open end questions
which at the present time , have no easy or peaceful resolutions. . .

My name is " Daniel " , I have awaken from my ancient sleep and I have returned .
There are a few others of my "nature" , on your planet .
Not many . . .few. . .
Among the others like me , there is one named  " Robert " and he is very powerful as well. . . 
I am not the only one. . .and we are not alone. . .we are supported and supernaturally protected by benevolent emissaries not of this planet, of a much higher rank than ours.
You can identify them as " Benevolent Angels " , if you so desire and for your own interpretation and comprehension ,at this moment ; it will sufice. 
We are not part of any system, although we move through systems without any difficulties.
We are not manipulated by any of the past existing mind programs , nor are we manipulated by the present ones.
2017 is the determined year that will define the fate of this planet for all generations.
 Earth 's planetary transition began 502.014 thousand years ago.
Many world civilizations have come and go ever since then.
Many more technologically advanced worlds have existed in the past within your same planet.
Much more technologically advanced civilizations than the current.
With the passing of ancient and current  time some of this evidence has been declassified.
At the present time ,the evidence is being methodically de-classified as you read this electronic correspondence , but there is still some more additional  work to be done. . . 
The greatest cataclysmic evidence was buried much deeper and it still is , under rock formations buried under the desert sands ,under strategic caves in the jungles , under the depths of the rivers and under the depths of the seas.
The human species manipulative and control programming was determined to last for 502.017 Earth years , not more.
" He . . ., The One . . ., came to Earth to de-program whoever wanted to be voluntarily de-programmed.
When he finished his discourse  " He " left.
Simple as that.
No one can stop what is about to occur , not even me . . .or the others of my kind. . .not even the benevolent invisible mighty ones . . .who are assigned to protect us.
He . . .The One . ..does not manipulate or control anybody.
He. . .  The One . . .has given the human species unconditional love and freedom of will . . .
It 's up to the human species to decide what kind of world is more conducive for the benefit and for the preservation of all mankind . . .
Ultimately the human species must decide what kind of world they want. . .
A world of war , advanced technologies, health and financial prosperity for only a few privileged ones. . .?
Or a world of peace , advanced technologies , health and financial prosperity for everyone on the planet!
The human species is ultimately responsible . . .and no one else. . .
The end of the old transitional cycle is coming to and end and the beginning of the new transitional cycle is about to begin. . .
The question is . . the secret of your planet's future is written in the past , the human species must finally know it's past if it 's to determine it's future . . .
The dire mistakes of ancient past civilizations cannot be continually emulated for mankind to survive . . .this is an impossibility. . .
The mind must be set -free of all subversive controlling programming and the mind must take positive action to assume the reponsibility for every decision and action taken. . .
Mankind is not stupid . . it's just disinformed and the programming has always been designed to keep it disinformed.  . .
But now more than ever . . .mankind has beginning to awaken. . .
And He . . .The One . . .instills in us a sense of knowing .  . . that inner voice that shows us right from wrong. . .
Whatever mankind chooses , right of wrong , it's ultimately mankind 's responsibility. . .
He. . .The One . . .when he walked on this Earth and before He finished His discourse ,He disclosed the consequences of making either choice.
The consequences of either choice are inevitable. . .

The human species does not have any other alternative . . .but to choose . . .
The human species must , and by utter necesity ; be well informed . . .so as to be able to choose wisely . . .
No one can escape this awakening. . .
Everyone will have to choose . . .
Be well informed. . .
Change is here now and it's inevitable. . .
It cannot and it will not be stopped. . .
If you are reading this correpondence , it's because you . . . 
are now in the process of choosing or you have already made your choice. . . 
Whatever you ' ve chosen , you are the only one responsible for the choice you ' ve made. . .


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